Your Guide to Recovering from Hip & Knee Replacement with Less Swelling & Pain
Dr. Wickline is known for his innovative recovery protocols for hip and knee replacement that have helped thousands of patients recover with markedly pain than old school, conventional methods. These protocols have also drastically reduced the need for narcotic pain medications for many patients, while still providing results that exceed traditional recovery techniques.
Now, Dr. Wickline’s proven recovery plans are available to all patients WORLDWIDE who will be undergoing hip or knee replacement. (currently in English and Spanish)

Introducing the Less Swelling Less Pain Recovery Guide
The Less Swelling Less Pain guide by Andrew Wickline, MD:
- Describes and shows what “arthritis” is and what the surgical and NON-surgical options are
- Provides 9 important questions to help you determine if you are ready to consider surgery
- Provides 9 PAGES of information on how you can get your body “tuned up” to reduce your risk of complications
- Answers all the questions that the last 20,000 surgical patients have asked
- Provides an outline of each step required along the way (pages 28-30)
- Discusses methods of pain management after surgery (pain is #1 concern of pre-surgical patients!)
- Shows how Dr Wickline’s protocols have led to the lowest post-op swelling worldwide—58% LOWER than one of the nation’s leading research centers!
- Reviews the risks associated with surgery as well the potential costs
- Discusses a specific diet plan and protein supplement to reduce inflammation and enhance recovery
- Provides answers to the question “What does my recovery look like?”
- Provides information on SPECIFIC products that can aid in recovery
- Reviews types of anesthesia, what kind of clothes to wear, how to get your house “post-op ready”
- Provides the 5 simple exercises that can help you recover range of motion faster—all in the comfort of your own home (and potentially save $700+ in copays!)
- Provides a daily journal, telling you EXACTLY what to expect with REAL PATIENT comments through 6 weeks after surgery!

The guide is available in both a Total Hip Replacement and Total Knee Replacement version so that you can select the right guide for your upcoming surgery.

Interested in Purchasing a Book?
Please click the link below to learn more about the Less Swelling Less Pain guides and where to purchase.
The Less Swelling Less Pain Hip & Knee Replacement guide books are endorsed by leading physicians and healthcare professionals.